Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jaz's 'Serenity' birdbath

 Jaz wanted predominantly turquoise then we added a little touch of yellow sunshine right at the end. She lives in an inner city highrise apartment so it will be interesting to see if passing birds visit her balcony birdbath.

'The Cricket Match' -- Wedgewood plate resurrected!

This Wedgewood plate - numbered and titled 'The Cricket Match' -- had fallen off a sideboard and broken into neat pieces. It now forms a beautiful centrepiece of a newly created birdbath of rich greens, subdued browns and highlighted warm red.
The owner of the plate has a private cricket ground in a small country town in the Hunter Valley.  I hope eventually to add a photo of 'The Cricket Match' in situ in its new home with cricket match in progress nearby.  Watch this space!